Stand Alones Comparison

Comparison Chart

Air Sniper Low Pro Air Sniper Pro Air Sniper Elite Air Sniper Ultra
Photocatalytic Elements None 3 4 5
Total Watts 144 watts 108 watts 216 watts 432 watts
CFM Rating High/low fan speed (120-60 CFM) Adjustable Fan Speed (70-130 cfm) Adjustable Fan Speed (130-300 cfm) Adjustable Fan Speed (300-750 cfm)
Bulb replacement inidcator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Aluminum powder coated construction Yes Yes Yes Yes
Suggested coverage 1,200 Cubic Feet with recommended air turnover every 10 minutes 1,300 Cubic feet with recommended air turnover every 10 minutes 3,000 Cubic Feet with recommended air turnover every 10 minutes 7,500 Cubic feet with recommended air turnover every 10 minutes
Ozone Generated 0% 0% 0% 0%
Auto Lamp Detection Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multitask color touch screen for maintenance and manual monitoring No Yes Yes Yes
Wi-Fi Enabled for remote monitoring and control No Yes Yes Yes

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