Hybrid Comparison

Comparison Chart

Air Sniper Hybrid 10/24 Air Sniper Hybrid 16/20 Air Sniper Hybrid 16/36
Destroys 99.9% of Pathogens Yes Yes Yes
Plug and Play (for easy installation) Yes Yes Yes
Total Watts 18x Ultra High-Intensity 36-Watt UVC lamps (648 watts total) 30x Ultra High-Intensity 36-Watt UVC lamps (1800 watts total) 50x Ultra High-Intensity 36-Watt UVC lamps (3600 watts total)
Ultra-High reflective tunnels 3x Ultra High reflective tunnels (93% UVC reflective factor) 3x Ultra High reflective tunnels (93% UVC reflective factor) 3x Ultra High reflective tunnels (93% UVC reflective factor)
Wi-Fi Enabled for remote monitoring and control Yes Yes Yes
Multitask color touch screen for maintenance and manual monitoring Yes Yes Yes
Bulb replacement inidcator Yes Yes Yes
CFM Rating 1500 CFM 2500 CFM 5000 CFM
Ozone Generated 0% 0% 0%
Lamp change recommended after Approx. 13,000 hours of on-time (approx. 3 years) Approx. 13,000 hours of on-time (approx. 3 years) Approx. 13,000 hours of on-time (approx. 3 years)

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